Your Name Provide latest concepts in Mobile/DTH Online Recharge. Our Multi-Recharge platform allows retailers to recharge any Mobile or DTH instantly from anywhere in India. Our Recharge Services includes all Telecom/DTH/BBPS Operators Functioning in India. Your Name provide well organized services to its subscribers, and with its manifold functionalities it enables Point of sale units or retailers to offer multiple services to their customers and earn additional income
Distributors and Retailers can recharge any operators like Airtel, Jio, Vi, Bsnl etc.
Provide recharge for all DTH services like airtel Tv, Dish TV, Tata Sky, Sun Direct etc.
Our portal supports all electricity network all over india like Adani, WBSEDCL, TNEB etc
Transaction Instant Processing, 24x7 billing, phone and email support
We have more than 300+ Operators for Prepaid Recharges, Prepaid Recharges, DTH/D2H Recharges, Utility Bill Payments, BBPS, Domestic Money Transfer, etc Any Shop small or big, Grocery stores, Mobile stores, Recharge outlets, Internet Café or Utility Kiosks can become our Retailers and earn additional income.
Role of a Distributor is to create Retailer and generate revenue through them. Distributor is the Point of contact for retailers to get their Service activated and also Retailers purchase daily recharge balance from Our Distributors. This is a Unique and Rewarding Business opportunity with very small investment.
Master Distributors are Our Business partners in a Particular State or Territory who takes care of Appointing Distributors and Managing Distributor Network. You get best turnover margin on Recharge Volumes and Rewarding Business opportunity with very small investment.